- Their zeal redoubled. 他们的热情更高了。
- Her zeal redoubled. 她的热情倍增。
- We couldn't help being impressed by their zeal for labour. 他们的劳动热情不能不给我们留下深刻印象。
- Gibraltar fell to their zeal in 711 and soon afterwards they took Spain. 711年,直布罗陀开始受到他们的热切关注,此后不久他们占领了西班牙。
- But in their zeal to act, politicians and regulators are looking through the wrong end of the telescope. 但行动热情高涨的政治家和监管者正从望远镜的错误一端看问题。
- Their zeal certainly undercuts Mr Abhisit's feeble efforts to buy Ragnarok Online Zeny unite a polarised nation. 他们的“爱国”狂热使阿披实先生弥合分裂社会的微弱努力显得徒劳。
- Their zeal certainly undercuts Mr Abhisit's feeble efforts to unite a polarised nation. 他们的“爱国”狂热使阿披实先生弥合分裂社会的微弱努力显得徒劳。
- For I can testify about them that they are zealous for God, but their zeal is not based on knowledge. 我们可以证明他们向神有热心,但不是按着真知识。
- He was particularly impressed by their zeal in helping SS Einsatzgruppen squads murder Jews in ghettos that were being set up in the region. 希姆莱印象最为深刻的是他们十分热心的帮助党卫队特别行动队来屠杀当地犹太聚居区的犹太人。
- Wild and fanatical religious volunteers. Untrained and armed only with their zeal and a crude weapon these troops are reckless. 穆塔达维亚棍兵是狂热的宗教志愿部队,未经训练,全凭满腔蛮勇和手中短棍杀开血路。
- In their zeal to expand, small busine owners often ignore early warning sig of a stagnant market or of decaying profitablility. 小企业主在热切扩大经营中常忽视市场萧条或效益下降的早期警告信号。
- For if their dynamism is evocative of Newt Gingrich’s mid-term revolution of 1994, so too is their zeal for small government. 因为,假如他们的力量能够唤起1994年金维奇的中期改革,同样能够唤起他们对小政府的的热情。
- Ralph would not concede that the work of the detectives was likely to be in vain, for he thought that the prize offered would greatly stimulate their zeal and activity. 高贵的高杰·弱夫先生确信能够侦察出结果来,他估计这笔奖金会大大鼓舞侦探人员的热情和启发他们的智慧。
- Some of its employees, in their zeal to win the business of wealthy Americans with a predilection for fibbing to the taxman, seem to have confused discretion with spycraft. 那种对赢得美国富有阶层业务的热望,促使一些瑞银的员工偏好向征税机构撒谎,他们似乎将谨慎和间谍活动混为一谈。
- The official announcement from Ukraines Central Electoral Commission (Wednesday) declaring Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych the winner has done little to stem their zeal. 乌克兰中央选举委员会星期三宣布总理亚努科维奇在这次总统选举中获胜,但是这一官方选举结果并没有遏制示威抗议人群高涨的热情。
- In their zeal to protect the torch during a rough and tumble transit through London last month, they apparently manhandled Lord Sebastian Coe, the chairman of London's Olympic organising committee. 个月火炬在伦敦的艰难蹒跚的传递中,由于他们的热情保护而明显粗暴地推搡了伦敦奥运筹办委员会主席科尔勋爵。
- The archers sent their shafts through the air. 弓箭手向空中射出利箭。
- They plunged into their work with immense zeal. 他们以极大的热情投入工作。
- They spent their lives in servitude. 他们在奴役下生活。
- They picked up the yacht on their radar screen. 他们在雷达屏上看到了那艘游艇。